I truthfully can't believe this actually happened. When creating this as a goal, I simply was trying to give myself something to look forward to in a world of disappointment... The music that has come from this place has been in my playlist forever and I desperately wanted those sounds on my next album. I talked to the band, and we decided together that this place was the ideal scenario and set about putting every plan into motion. We saved every penny could... We scraped the tips together... We recorded and sold a limited-edition live album... We did a GoFundMe and gathered sponsors... We made it happen... and when we walked in the doors, we cried. Literally, me and 3 grown men boo-hooing and hugging and smiling and laughing because we were inside of one of the most legendary studios of all time for the kind of music we love. So much magic has happened inside those walls. This place has provided a sonic landscape for us, and we are eternally grateful.

One of the musical highlights of our week was getting to record with Clayton Ivey. The man warms up with Oscar Peterson licks, plays piano with sonic joy free-flowing from his fingertips, and finishes you off with the finesse of Jimmy Smith. He has played on more records than you can shake a stick at and has more soul in his pinky finger than most people do in their entire beings. He was inspiring on all the levels
This was undoubtably the trip of a lifetime. Between getting to talk about tractors (and play our music) with Spooner Oldham on the SAME PIANO that he played on Aretha Franklin's "I Never Loved A Man The Way That I Love You" and getting to write our horn charts with FAME's first-call horn section, (Mostly saxophone magician Bran Guin) we took home unforgettable and priceless memories and experiences that inspired us and have given me a deeper drive than ever before.
To those of you who helped us get to Muscle Shoals, we could not possibly thank you enough or express our gratitude any more sincerely. Thank you, from the bottom of our very full hearts.