The third song on our new album, Marie, came to me in two separate dreams about a week apart. Josh Nelms's chordal mastery made it more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I consider myself incredibly blessed and lucky to have such talented friends and musicians who have walked the trenches with me and who understand the soul behind my songs and respect the story I'm telling.
Nelda Marie Young was one of the kindest souls I have ever met. She was my favorite person. Finding the right words for this is difficult and will certainly fall short... which is why it took me so long to write a song for her in the first place. There is nothing I can say that accurately describes her beauty or what she meant to me without feeling like I've trivialized the most profound human connection I have ever experienced. She wasn't well educated or rich or glamorous in any of the superficial ways that our materialistic society deems people worthy. She was beautiful in all the ways that matter. She loved deeper than anyone else I have ever met. She cared for me and my sister more than herself. She gave every penny she ever had to poor mothers who needed to buy diapers for their babies, or the church, or to me or my sister. She was my second mother, best friend, mentor, and hero. Getting to be raised by someone so loving and compassionate was nothing short of a blessing and losing her was nothing short of a tragedy in my life that not even the closest people to me could pretend understand. We are meant to out-live our mothers, but no one teaches us how to deal with living without them. She was a light in my life that I'm grateful to have witnessed. The world is a better place for having had her in it.
This song is my way of memorializing her memory in my art so that her memory remains intact. This song reminds me to honor her memory with my life by living the best life I can, because that's what she would have wanted for me. She saved me on so many levels. To live a life without showing gratitude for that love would be unacceptable. I miss her every day. She guided me through so many storms, and I can feel her presence with me even now. That's what the song is about. I hope you enjoy.
I'm excusing myself from a vlog on this topic.
My love
warm as the sun
thicker than blood
mother I adore
I will bare your torch
a sacred sound to me
the greatest symphony
that echoes in my bones
and carries me home.
My shelter through the storm.
I feel the wind blowing' on
feel the wind blowin' on
feel the wind blowing' on
on and on
My darling,
Nelda Marie
sweet as the evening breeze
your presence lingers on
steady and strong
guiding me along
I feel the wind blowing' on
feel the wind blowin' on
feel the wind blowing' on
on and on
Farewell my dearest friend
I know we'll meet again
I'll sing your Amen
like a precious hymn
blowing' in the wind
My love
warm as the sun
thicker than blood
mother I adore
I will bare your torch
I feel the wind blowing' on
feel the wind blowin' on
feel the wind blowing' on
on and on
Weekend Recap:
Wednesday, March 27- Hideaway Cafe'7:30-10:30
Hideaway was standing room only! We love playing there so much, if you haven't seen a musical act at the hideaway, you don't know what you're missing. It's such an intimate and lovely experience all around, from the food & drinks, to the ambiance, to the music... it's one of my favorite places to go watch live music.
Thursday, March 28- Tampa Tap Room8-11
I'm grateful to have a place willing to host us every Thursday that's so close to home! Tampa Tap Room is a fun place to dance and listen to our music and play pool/darts/drink/eat! Come check it out and dance with us!
Friday, March 29- O'Maddy's 5-8:30
O'Maddy's is such a fun place to play! I'm so grateful to have such lovely gigs with such great crowds! Side note: Thanks to the staff there for always treating us so well! They always save us a parking spot, bring us waters and feed us, and treating your band right is a lost art form these days. Thank you, Jennifer!!
Saturday, March 30- Ka'Tiki 7-11
Katiki was packed, and the sunset was gorgeous! What a great weekend of shows!!
Upcoming Shows:
Thursday, April 4th-
Tampa Tap Room 8-11
Friday, April 5th-
Saturday, April 6th-
Sunday, April 7th-
Good Sunday Revue w/ Damon Fowler